What are your products made of?
Our pillowcases and sleep masks are made of silver embodied mulberry silk. Our silk is treated with silver ions and therefore eliminates 99.7% of bacteria. Our scrunchies are made of 100% 23 momme mulberry silk.
Our pillowcases and sleep masks are made of silver embodied mulberry silk. Our silk is treated with silver ions and therefore eliminates 99.7% of bacteria. Our scrunchies are made of 100% 23 momme mulberry silk.
Momme is a Japanese unit of measure and says something about the quality of the silk. The higher the momme, the higher the quality. 23 Momme is the highest quality there is. All our Dore & Rose essentials are made of 23 Momme 100% Mulberry silk.
STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® is a certification meaning that all products are tested and approved to support ecological safety and non-toxic substances are used.
We use the most advanced nanosilver technology where we penetrate silver ions into the fibre. A silver ion is a single particle of the silver element. It is a natural mineral which has antimicrobial functions, meaning it kills 99.7% of bacteria, mold
Yes it is a well known treatment to kill bacteria. We have passed all tests and inspectations.
Our research has shown that the first 18 months of our silver embodied products are most effective, eliminating 99.7% of bacteria. After that, a small reduction will take place.
You cannot wash off the silver ions as they are infused in the silk. After 1.5-2 years, the silver ions will be less active, but before that they will stay 100% active.
To maintain the best results and effectiveness, we recommend a lifetime of 1.5 / 2 years when washed appropriatly